Pictured Above: The market participates in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Incentives. Courtesy of Downtown St. Pete By Olivia Sawdy Located at the heart of St. Petersburg, the Saturday Morning Market gathers almost every week. At the market, you can find anything from body care and clothing to local produce and pet food. SNAP… Continue reading St. Petersburg Saturday Morning Market provides fresh produce to locals
Tag: nnb
St. Pete Youth Farm celebrates Earth Day
Pictured Above: Carla Bristol and members of the Youth Farm pictured with the Proclamation. Courtesy of the St. Pete Youth Farm on Instagram By Andrew Quinlan The St. Pete Youth Farm has been working diligently to promote healthy living and youth involvement in its community, including a spirited celebration of Earth Day on April 22. … Continue reading St. Pete Youth Farm celebrates Earth Day
A community gardening program helps fight food insecurity in Midtown
By Catalina Rasdall Personal health is one of the most important things for living a long life. The human body needs nutrition in order for it to keep moving. That is why those grocery runs are crucial. They are something to look forward to because they present an opportunity to pick healthy food options and… Continue reading A community gardening program helps fight food insecurity in Midtown
Urban Agriculture in the Burg: New legislation will allow St. Pete residents to grow and sell produce on their own property
By Nicole Billing & Emily Heise District 2 Council Member Brandi Gabbard has been fighting back against food insecurity in St. Petersburg by spearheading new amendments supporting urban agriculture. The need for new legislation arose with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic as food insecurity became more prevalent. The bill recognizes how urban agriculture can… Continue reading Urban Agriculture in the Burg: New legislation will allow St. Pete residents to grow and sell produce on their own property
Pinellas Community Church worship team holds steadfast against pandemic pressures
Pictured Above: Pinellas Community Church Connections Pastor Simone Seymour (center) performs on stage with other members of PCC’s worship team during Sunday service on May 2. (USF/Julia Gennocro) By Annalise Anderson and Julia Gennocro When asked how the worship team at Pinellas Community Church has remained resilient through the challenges brought on by COVID-19, PCC Connections… Continue reading Pinellas Community Church worship team holds steadfast against pandemic pressures
How high schoolers stifle stress
By Brianna Brosch Playing a musical instrument provided unexpected benefits to teenagers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The months of virtual school, uncertainty, social isolation, quarantines and canceled events have been particularly hard on teenagers. Those who have an outlet, like music, that they were able to continue to pursue, have been better off for it. … Continue reading How high schoolers stifle stress
Nutrition and economics in adolescents
By Alexendra Davis In modern America, it is generally up to the parents to teach children the skills related to food, shopping and economics. Many districts do not teach home economics anymore and those who do, barely scratch the surface. Living in a world with food delivery just a few taps away, the question arises… Continue reading Nutrition and economics in adolescents
A restaurant in Gulfport ran local food deliveries with a golf cart
By Samantha Harris As pandemic regulations are slowly being lifted and more people are getting vaccinated, restaurants are reflecting on the ways they have had to get creative over the past year. This includes the North-End Taphouse in Gulfport, which opened in January before the pandemic started. The North-End Taphouse is a locally-owned restaurant on… Continue reading A restaurant in Gulfport ran local food deliveries with a golf cart
The Power for Living Ministries in Gulfport preserved in-person services through the pandemic
Pictured Above: The Power for Living Ministries church is located at 1710 52nd St. S, Gulfport. (USF/Kristen Boehm) By Kristen Boehm In a neighborhood in Gulfport, one church has kept its doors open for in-person services throughout the entire pandemic. Pastor Ulysses Burden Jr. founded Power for Living Ministries with his wife, Annette, in 2003.… Continue reading The Power for Living Ministries in Gulfport preserved in-person services through the pandemic
At Lakeview Fundamental Elementary, the SAVE club rewards kindness
Pictured Above: Summer Shaw and Annie Griffith are advisory board members for the SAVE Promise Club at Lakeview Fundamental Elementary. Courtesy of Kari Altman-Wood By Catherine Hicks For two students at Lakeview Fundamental Elementary, spreading the message of kindness and nonviolence is an important passion. Annie Griffith and Summer Shaw are members of the SAVE… Continue reading At Lakeview Fundamental Elementary, the SAVE club rewards kindness