The inseparable bond between food and entertainment. By Brittney Rink Food Beat Reporter Throughout history, humans have fostered the connection between food and entertainment. Far beyond the bounds of sports stadiums and concert venues, tailgating has become a classic American tradition that exemplifies the relationship between food and entertainment. The History of Tailgating Harvest festivals… Continue reading From picnics to parking lots
Category: FOOD
Seasoned Green’s vegan food truck journey
Seasoned Green is breaking stereotypes one meal at a time with their flavorful vegan and vegetarian menu. By Anisha Paudel Community & Culture Beat Reporter In the busy streets of Tampa, where good eats are everywhere, one stands out for its commitment to inclusivity and flavor: Seasoned Green. This vegan and vegetarian food truck isn’t… Continue reading Seasoned Green’s vegan food truck journey
Florida’s strawberry season persists despite El Niño
By Kayla Boone Food Beat Reporter HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla – Florida’s strawberry season faced chilly weather this winter thanks to El Niño. But despite the wet and rainy season, visitors from all over Florida came for the annual Strawberry Festival. Known as ‘BerryFest24,’ the 89th annual festival still turned out sweet despite El Niño’s influences.… Continue reading Florida’s strawberry season persists despite El Niño
Food journalism and influencers begin to overlap in evolving digital landscape
Over the last decade, social media influencers and bloggers have created a space for themselves in the food marketing world and food journalism has evolved because of it. By Kaitlyn Bock Food Beat Reporter Food influencers are changing the food journalism and marketing industries one Instagram post at a time. In the early 2000s, news… Continue reading Food journalism and influencers begin to overlap in evolving digital landscape
From Childs Park to the Cover of Food & Wine
Pictured Above: The Publix 2021 Collard Green Festival, featuring James Beard Award-winning chef and native son Edouardo Jordan (right), is happening this Saturday on the corner of 22nd Street and 9th Avenue South. On the left is former News Channel 8 newsman Rob Carter with festival co-founder Boyzell Hosey at the 2018 event. Courtesy of… Continue reading From Childs Park to the Cover of Food & Wine
Midtown St. Petersburg has a nutrition deficit
Pictured Above: St. Pete Youth Farm hosted the Women’s Appreciation event on March 27. (USF/Catherine Burke) By Catherine Burke There is a clear discrepancy between health and nutrition equity in the St. Petersburg area.. A lack of community awareness around this issue is the reason why many people don’t pay attention to the clear nutrition… Continue reading Midtown St. Petersburg has a nutrition deficit
St. Petersburg Saturday Morning Market provides fresh produce to locals
Pictured Above: The market participates in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Incentives. Courtesy of Downtown St. Pete By Olivia Sawdy Located at the heart of St. Petersburg, the Saturday Morning Market gathers almost every week. At the market, you can find anything from body care and clothing to local produce and pet food. SNAP… Continue reading St. Petersburg Saturday Morning Market provides fresh produce to locals
A community gardening program helps fight food insecurity in Midtown
By Catalina Rasdall Personal health is one of the most important things for living a long life. The human body needs nutrition in order for it to keep moving. That is why those grocery runs are crucial. They are something to look forward to because they present an opportunity to pick healthy food options and… Continue reading A community gardening program helps fight food insecurity in Midtown
Urban Agriculture in the Burg: New legislation will allow St. Pete residents to grow and sell produce on their own property
By Nicole Billing & Emily Heise District 2 Council Member Brandi Gabbard has been fighting back against food insecurity in St. Petersburg by spearheading new amendments supporting urban agriculture. The need for new legislation arose with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic as food insecurity became more prevalent. The bill recognizes how urban agriculture can… Continue reading Urban Agriculture in the Burg: New legislation will allow St. Pete residents to grow and sell produce on their own property
Nutrition and economics in adolescents
By Alexendra Davis In modern America, it is generally up to the parents to teach children the skills related to food, shopping and economics. Many districts do not teach home economics anymore and those who do, barely scratch the surface. Living in a world with food delivery just a few taps away, the question arises… Continue reading Nutrition and economics in adolescents