Most of the students at Lakewood High School know someone that has been killed or injured by gunfire, according to a survey by the Spartan News Network. The survey, filled out by 204 students in January, shows the prevalence of gun violence. The questionnaire was spurred after seven males were shot and killed the last… Continue reading Survey: Most Lakewood High students know someone killed, injured by gunfire
Category: Education
County launches new program for struggling schools
BY ANNA STEBBINS, IVY CEBALLO, DAVID STONER, JADE ISAACS AND KATIE CALLIHAN NNB Reporters MIDTOWN- Midtown schools are still undergoing the process of bringing in money for teacher training, in hopes for a better classroom atmosphere, but could the most important part be the passion of the teachers? After being deemed “Failure Factories” in 2015, Midtown… Continue reading County launches new program for struggling schools
Through Our Eyes: Midtown and Beyond 2015
Mt Zion YAFC January 31st Church Announcements
Kriseman addresses gun violence, Midtown neighborhood problems in ‘State of City’ speech
BY SAMANTHA PUTTERMAN FOR THE CROW’S NEST: Mayor Rick Kriseman addressed issues of gun violence that claimed the lives of seven people and Midtown problems including the education gap and high unemployment during his annual State of the City speech Saturday, Jan. 23. “We are addressing the risk factors that affect our children and young… Continue reading Kriseman addresses gun violence, Midtown neighborhood problems in ‘State of City’ speech
It’s not a class. It is a newsroom.
BY ZENENA MOGUEL NNB REPORTER ST. PETERSBURG – At University of South Florida St. Petersburg’s (USFSP) Department of Journalism & Media Studies exists a class that prepares students for the path of professional journalism. Unless you’re a part of this department, you probably have not heard of Neighborhood News Bureau (NNB). To many it’s just… Continue reading It’s not a class. It is a newsroom.