Newton doesn’t lose hope

BY BRIGITTE TOULON NNB Reporter ST. PETERSBURG – Although Will Newton did not win the position for District 7, he won’t let the loss bring him down. He remains hopeful for the future of the District. “I want to thank my team and all the people who supported me,” said Newton. As for the race and… Continue reading Newton doesn’t lose hope

Did you actually vote today?

BY RIM SHUMAN NNB Reporter ST. PETERSBURG – Residents, few and far between, made their way to the polls to cast their vote for three city council seats and four referendum questions Tuesday. Unity: A Spiritual Community, 6168 1st Ave. N., Precinct #213 and #217 had low voter turnout. A polling officer claimed that there… Continue reading Did you actually vote today?

Midtown voter turn out may not be as bleak as it seems

Outside the Christ Baptist Church precinct 113

BY ERIC VAUGHAN NNB Reporter A busy road in Midtown. Workers head home and drive right by the 113 Precinct  located inside the Christ Gospel Church. Poll workers say even though voter turnout is apparently low, it beats last year when a record low of only 26 voters showed throughout the entire day. At around… Continue reading Midtown voter turn out may not be as bleak as it seems

Kids cause disturbance on Election Day

Election Day at Polling Location for Precinct 225 BY CARLY ROMANO NNB Reporter ST. PETERSBURG—During midday, the polling location for voting precinct 225 was having problems with kids throwing rocks and pine bark not only at cars in the parking lot, but also at a poll-worker and his motor bike. This caused a disturbance, which… Continue reading Kids cause disturbance on Election Day

Kornell, Wheeler-Brown win St. Pete election

Residents backed incumbent Steve Kornell (District 5) for a final term and opted for political newcomer Lisa Wheeler-Brown (District 7) in St. Petersburg’s city election Tuesday. Charles Gerdes was the other winner (District 1). Voters also approved all four referendum questions. The referendums dealt with protections to sea grass beds, district boundaries, residency restrictions for elected officials… Continue reading Kornell, Wheeler-Brown win St. Pete election

NAACP St. Pete President: Resident engagement in city election important for Midtown’s future

BY CLARENCE FORD NNB Reporter ST. PETERSBURG – Midtown residents play a key role in upcoming city elections and need to make efforts to vote Nov. 3, according to officials at the NAACP St. Pete Branch. There’s also a lot of money on the line. “The African-American voter can no longer depend solely on one’s… Continue reading NAACP St. Pete President: Resident engagement in city election important for Midtown’s future

Elected officials are supposed to live in St. Pete, right?

BY RIM SHUMAN NNB Reporter ST. PETERSBURG – Should an elected official be required to be a resident of the city? Referendum question no. 3 reads: “Shall the City Charter be amended to clarify that a declared district candidate is required to remain a resident of the candidate’s declared district before, during and, if elected,… Continue reading Elected officials are supposed to live in St. Pete, right?

Residents want action, not promises, for Midtown

Story and Photos BY INDHIRA SUERO NNB Reporter ST. PETERSBURG – Equality. Infrastructure. Employment training. Without a doubt, Midtown women demonstrate that they are aware of the needs of their community. Most of them do not hesitate when addressing them, especially with upcoming elections Nov. 3. Some of them — like Angela Rouson, the president… Continue reading Residents want action, not promises, for Midtown

Referendum no. 2 asks voters to change district lines

BY CARLY ROMANO NNB Reporter ST. PETERSBURG— Residents get the opportunity to vote on a referendum that could change district lines. Referendum question no. 2 reads: “Shall the City Charter be amended to provide that Council Districts do not need to follow voting precinct lines when it is not practical due to the need for… Continue reading Referendum no. 2 asks voters to change district lines

Resource Center Reinvigorating Lives

BY BRIGITTE TOULON and CHOYA RANDOLPH NNB Reporters MIDTOWN– Nearly 21,000 people have walked through the doors of the Pregnancy and Family Resource Center in Midtown, and received help with more than they anticipated. Originally built in 1992, the center received grants and donations from the community and Suncoast Baptist Church to help them help… Continue reading Resource Center Reinvigorating Lives