
NNB partners with local media outlets and community organizations for projects. We are now looking for institutional partners. If you would like to support NNB’s mission and work, please contact us.  

About NNB


NNB is a newsroom, an educational center, a resource for the community, a partner to community organizations, a repository of local black history, and much more. Find out more about who we are and what we do here.

Midtown Resources

Midtown Resources showcases organizations, community centers, information and people who provide help and services to the local communities in a variety of issues. NNB is compiling all information about service providers in 2017 and will keep adding to this resource page. If you know of an organization that provides service to the community in any… Continue reading Midtown Resources

NNB Special Projects

NNB Special Projects

The NNB Special Projects are created with the help of the Midtown communities and of local organizations and media partners. Usually, the projects are built during a regular class semester and maintained by the NNB staff thereafter.

Midtown News

The latest stories produced by NNB student-reporters. NNB works with local media partners, such as The Weekly Challenger, WUSF Public Media, Creative Loafing and the Tampa Bay Times to publish the stories. Here you will find summaries and links to the original stories.

Midtown K-12 News


Midtown K-12 News is a USFSP Neighborhood News Bureau program to improve media and journalism education in South St. Petersburg. USFSP NNB students work with local teachers and programs to develop curriculum, enhance student learning, provide hands-on training, develop experiential learning and field trip opportunities and much more. NNB students work as interns or volunteers… Continue reading Midtown K-12 News

Community Journalism Resources

NNB reporter interviews Mr. Thomas "Jet" Jackson with WUSF journalist Lisa Peakes. Photo by Bernardo H. Motta.

Starting in the spring of 2017, USFSP faculty and students engaged in community journalism research will be sharing their publications on this page. We are also compiling hundreds of resources to help journalists and community members to report on their own communities. Below, you can find a list of resources by topic. If you would like to… Continue reading Community Journalism Resources

Pew Research Center: Civic Engagement Strongly Tied to Local News Habits

New Pew Research Center study shows that those who read local news are more engaged with their communities.

The Pew Research Center released a new study that shows that people who get their information from local news outlets are more likely to be connected with the local community and to vote on local elections, among other findings. Read the full report here.