Artist finds inspiration in African and Native American culture

BY KELLY MIYAR NNB Student Reporter ST. PETERSBURG – When Gulfport artist Cora Marshall puts brush to canvas, she is drawing on her African and Native American past. Marshall, 67, and her husband moved to Gulfport in May 2013 after she retired from the art department at Connecticut State University in New Britain. “We used… Continue reading Artist finds inspiration in African and Native American culture

Hockey and social media: an exciting mix for young professional

BY SAMANTHA OUIMETTE NNB Student Reporter TAMPA – Managing an entire brand at the age of 25 would be a daunting task for most. But Caity Kauffman has never been reluctant to take on the unknown. She is the social media and digital marketing manager for the Tampa Bay Lightning, a professional sports team that… Continue reading Hockey and social media: an exciting mix for young professional

By serving the community, police officer says he serves his country

BY SAMANTHA OUIMETTE NNB Student Reporter ST. PETERSBURG – Domestic violence. Theft. A shooting. For Wellington Bond, these things comprise a normal day at the office. Bond, 39, is an officer in the St. Petersburg Police Department, entering his fifth year of service after a career of what he describes as doing a little bit… Continue reading By serving the community, police officer says he serves his country

At All Children’s Hospital, she works with patients and reporters

BY SHELBY BOURGEOIS NNB Student Reporter ST. PETERSBURG – Sometimes it begins with a 3 a.m. call, other times with an urgent email or a late morning text. No matter what time her work day begins, Danielle Rotolo has the same routine. “When I come in, in the morning – well, even before I come… Continue reading At All Children’s Hospital, she works with patients and reporters

Biology majors get college credit for brewing beer

BY HILLARY TERHUNE NNB Student Reporter ST. PETERSBURG – Beer and college are practically symbiotic. You can’t have one without the other. The long-standing relationship reached a new level in November 2013 when 3 Daughters Brewing, a new  brewery at 222 22nd Street S in the Midtown area, partnered with the University of South Florida… Continue reading Biology majors get college credit for brewing beer

Its mission: give unwanted animals a second chance

BY HILLARY TERHUNE NNB Student Reporter ST. PETERSBURG – A portly black cat slouches across a counter near the entrance of Pet Pal Animal Shelter, almost like he owns the place. “That’s Romeo; he works here,” said Scott Daly, the shelter’s executive director. Romeo is one of a few permanent residents at the shelter. His… Continue reading Its mission: give unwanted animals a second chance

For him, investing in others is payback for mentoring of his youth

BY SALEM SOLOMON AND SUSAN GODFREY NNB Student Reporters ST. PETERSBURG – It was a ritual of Watson Haynes’ boyhood. Virtually every Saturday the minister would come to his home. They would walk to Webb’s City, a sprawling drugstore complex on the western edge of downtown. There they would sit at the lunch counter and… Continue reading For him, investing in others is payback for mentoring of his youth

Unconventional Midtown machinist also styles hair, sizzles in kitchen

BY JULIET MORALES NNB Student Reporter ST. PETERSBURG – As a machinist for more than 20 years, Hermes Valentin has built countless parts for private industry, NASA and the military. But no customer was more important than a Rottweiler named Sam. Crippled by a bum hip, Sam could barely limp around. His days seemed numbered… Continue reading Unconventional Midtown machinist also styles hair, sizzles in kitchen

There’s more than art in her popular gallery

BY KELLY MIYAR NNB Student Reporter ST. PETERSBURG – The new art gallery on St. Petersburg’s historic 22nd Street S features art, of course – specifically African and Caribbean art. But depending on when you stop in, owner Carla Bristol has other offerings in her Gallerie 909. Musical instruments are scattered about the room, ready… Continue reading There’s more than art in her popular gallery