We start with YOU

NNB is a community-based journalism organization and, therefore, we put the community first. That means you, your family, your neighbors and all those who come in and out of our neighborhood to help to make it better. We create projects together, learn from them together, and, together, we share them with our local communities and with the larger communities out there. What we produce belongs to the community and stays with the community.

Communication is the needle and thread that forms community and culture. Individuals are all right, but human beings are more human when they connect and interact as a group, sharing experiences, building common ground and looking to achieve common goals. NNB looks to serve as part of that thread, facilitating the community conversations and interactions, connecting people’s stories and experiences to those of the larger community, and providing community spaces for dialogue and understanding.

If knowledge is power, good community journalism is empowerment. We work together to acquire information, make sense of it, and share it in the most helpful and meaningful way. We acquire and create knowledge, but we also reexamine it, critique it, put it in the context of our community’s shared experience. We learn from experience, from experimentation, from research and from dialogue. And we do it all together, transparently. What we know becomes part of the community wisdom.

We can’t have a conversation alone. Well, we can, but that’s not as fun as having a conversation with you. What do you care about? What would you like to learn about the things and events that matter to you? How would you like to learn more about them? Can we help? Let us visit with you or come to our office and talk.
NNB is what you need it to be. Do you have stories to share? We will record and share them. Do you need information? We will help you get it. Do you have an idea for a community conversation or a community-based media product? We will help you develop it. If it is good for the community, we want to be part of it.